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Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L)

The Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L) framework is implemented at St Brigid's to help create vibrant and positive learning environments in which all students are supported to reach their full potential.

PB4L is an evidenced-based, organisational framework for behaviour support to enhance respectful relationships and engagement of students in their learning. It encompasses a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies and agreed practices for achieving important social and academic outcomes for all students.

This framework is an integral component of the CEDoW Student Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Policy, which articulates the need for schools to ‘play an active role in building a positive learning environment where the whole school community feels included, connected, safe and respected’.

All staff at our school work together to explicitly teach, affirm and correct agreed behaviour expectations across school-wide, classroom and non-classroom settings, based on our simple, yet effective school rules that underpin who we are and what we do at St Brigid’s:

‘With a faithful heart, I can be the best person I can be when I am respectful, responsible and safe.’

  • Being respectful means to take great care of myself, others and the world around us.
  • Being responsible means taking charge of my choices so that I help myself, others and the world around us.
  • Being safe means no harm will come to myself, others and the world around us.

At St Brigid's, positive behaviours are acknowledged and rewarded, and all members of the school community are responsible for knowing the behaviour expectations and providing regular, positive feedback to students. A wonderful part of our program is the affirmations that are provided, that encourage and celebrate the successes of children’s efforts in all of this. Some of these include: behaviour acknowledgement, merit awards, tokens, stickers and reward days.

With any system that deals with rules and the non-compliance to these by students, it opens the door to corrective learning opportunities. At St Brigid’s, we use a variety of strategies to support children in this area. Some of these include, verbal redirection, time out, time with teacher on duty and discussions. Every attempt is made to ensure that the consequence is reasonable, respectful and restorative.

At times a more intense approach is needed for some students and an Individual Behaviour Management Plan is developed by teachers and parents. The shared partnership between home and school is vital in assisting students.

Read more about the Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L) framework here.